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GTA IV資訊 Empty GTA IV資訊

發表 由 lemans 周四 8月 27, 2009 11:13 pm

GTA IV資訊 Gta4

出完Liberty City(即GTA3),Vice City同San Andreas呢幾個GTA 1有嘅城巿之後,本以為出GTA:London,但如今Rockstar肯定左出GTA 4,怕且GTA 4係發生係London嘅機會都幾渺亡......

GTA 4預計07年10月16日先出XBOX 360同PS3版本,睇怕若果GTA 4出PC版的話,又要隔半年之後,即08年先出,真係等到頸都長埋(仲有機會因為SA Hot Office Mod令SA嘅級別改為Adult Only果件事導致GTA 4唔出PC版)......


lemans 在 周四 8月 27, 2009 11:17 pm 作了第 1 次修改

文章數 : 1399
注冊日期 : 2009-08-23
來自 : 利曼 / 勒芒


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GTA IV資訊 Empty GTA IV Trailer發佈倒數~~~

發表 由 lemans 周四 8月 27, 2009 11:15 pm

3月29日先正式推出Trailer,等下先~~~正如我之前所講,GTA 4的XBOX 360同PS3版本都起碼07年年尾先出,若果GTA 4出PC版的話,又可能要隔半年之後,即08年先出,怕且都會等到頸都長埋......
而且GTA 4仲有機會因為SA Hot Office Mod令SA的級別改為Adult Only果件事而導致以後的GTA系列再唔出PC版 Crying or Very sad

GTA IV官方網址:

文章數 : 1399
注冊日期 : 2009-08-23
來自 : 利曼 / 勒芒


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GTA IV資訊 Empty GTA IV最新消息及遊戲圖片~~~~~

發表 由 lemans 周四 8月 27, 2009 11:17 pm


gtagaming消息 寫到:
* The protagonist's name is Niko Bellic. (Likely to be Crotian in origin)
(主角名為Niko Bellic.)

* Niko was persuaded to move to Liberty City by his cousin Roman, who claimed to be living a wonderful life there with two beautiful women, fifteen sports cars, and lots of money etc, but he was infact telling a lie in order to hide his own failures. Roman is the only person you know in Liberty City at the beginning of the game, and he becomes one of your major connections at the start. Niko is a tough character whereas Roman is friendly. Roman is heavily in debt and a lot of people are after him - he needs Niko's support. They are constantly bickering.
(Niko Bellic的背景.)

* Variations in the terrain cause realistic changes in the walking animation of Niko. The physics have also improved and character movements are more realistic.
(GTA IV的人物物理有所進步.)

* Multiplayer will exist, but it will be something that coincides with single-player and will not be an MMO.
(GTA IV有多人遊戲.)

* The MetLife building now bears the name Getalife, the Statue of Liberty is now the Statue of Happiness, and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is called BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass).

* In Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar have recreated 4 of the 5 boroughs in New York, as well as part of New Jersey. Broker is the GTA IV equivalent of Brooklyn, Manhattan is now called Algonquin, Queens is now Dukes, the Bronx is Bohan, and New Jersey is Alderney.
(GTA IV是模仿紐約.)

* There is only one city. There may be motorcycles, but there will be no planes, rollerblades or unicycles, and I wouldn't expect jetpacks or Harriers. Rockstar wants the city to feel realistic and fit the style of the character.
(GTA IV並沒有飛機,滾軸流冰和單車.)

* The city is almost as large as San Andreas, but will not have any useless space like countryside or desert. Every space will be cram-packed with detail.
(GTA IV的Liberty City面積與SA相約.)

* The city will be highly contrasted between daytime and nighttime.

* Freedom is emphasized. You continue to take orders from mission givers, but you are not forced to spend your time being a slave to them. You can go see who you want to, practically when you want to. You just call someone up and see if they are available.

* The story unfolds in a number of different ways. R* is giving people more freedom, more choice and more sense of control over their destiny - the structure of the storyline is quite different to previous games.
(GTA IV會有多重故事路線.)

* Contacts will be called from your cell phone. Its LCD screen has options for Phonebook, Messages, Organizer and Camera. Niko's Phonebook has options such as: City Contact, Docks Friend, and Cab Contact. The cell phone will allow the player to call contacts instead of meeting them in person, which should make the player feel more independent.
(GTA IV可讓玩家打電話找其他人.)

* Game Informer playtested the Xbox 360 version. It is to be identical to the PS3 version except for episodic content.

* The voice talent for GTA IV will be less big names and more suited to the characters. The soundtrack will also be geared more towards the feel of the city and less focused on big names.

* The game will load once and then never again, and not even during interior transitions.

* It is implied that there will be greater emphasis on pedestrian AI, and they will come with all sorts of temperaments. They will also be seen doing realistic things like smoking a cigarette, reading a book, sitting on a bench, etc.

* You will also see a lot more of pedestrian criminals being arrested by the police.

* Rockstar have now spent over 3 years developing the game, and Dan Houser compares the leap from GTA III to GTA IV, to the leap from GTA to GTA III.
(GTA IV用了3年製造.)

- Niko interacts with pedestrians e.g pushing them if they get in his way.

- Niko steals an improved Admiral, proving old cars return.
(GTA IV會有Admiral的車款.)

- Niko, in his mid-thirties, is on the run from a "dark past".

- The mafia take a role in the game (although not a main one).

- Pop ups are eliminated.

- Roosevelt Island appears in-game.

- "The game isn't trying to be photorealistic, but artificial intelligence needs to have a similar quality to the visuals or it's not going to hold together." Dan Houser

- If you pull a gun out everyone will scatter screaming

- One airport appears in the game. Helicopters have been confirmed by Dan as well.
(GTA IV有直升機.)

- Cross developing for the PS3 and Xbox 360 has apparently been a challenge.

- Both systems have their pleasures and pains.

- The game will be online (previously only a multiplayer mode was confirmed)
(GTA IV有線上對戰.)

- The character customization is not on par with San Andreas.

- You can see right into buildings now.
(GTA IV的建築物可望到裏面.)

- The plot will contain "outrageous betrayals" and "jackknife reversals".

- Custom tracks isn't confirmed but it is "possible"

- Dan wants it to be a huge step up, but still similar to previous games.

- There giving us more to do in our [Niko's] leisure time.

- There will be "virtually" no returning characters. "Anyway, most of the
characters we liked were dead" DH.

- The game is not as influenced by films as previous games have been.

# People are reading newspapers, gesturing whilst talking on their mobile phones, people sitting on seats while talking and absent-mindedly flicking dust off their jeans. "We really know we're in Liberty City when we see an 80-year old granny staggering down the street as she takes swigs from a bottle of whiskey."

# You can feel the bass of passing cars, and hear the radio that they're listening to when it goes past.
(GTA IV的聲效用有大大進步.)

# Niko passes an ATM and it prompts him to "access funds". It's likely that if you die, you may lose all your money, so putting it in a bank when you get a substantial amount seems like a good idea. The magazine also hints at being able to bribe people and the possibility of being mugged.

# As has been said, one can travel from the road into a building with no load times. Manual aim has been upgraded considerably from SA, and is now much easier.

# Niko exits into a seedy back alley, where it is "populated by piles of litter, weeds and homeless guys huddling around fires in barrels."
(如GTA III的情景壹樣.)

# As Niko ascends a telegraph pole, the animations are smooth. Also, at the top, the vertical density of the city can be fully realized. "The skyline is crowded with complex architecture, above-ground train-lines, fire escapes, endless billboards and the Broker Bridge in the distance."

# Niko breaks into an easy jog, showing realistic fluidity, leaning his body into corners as he takes them. A random passing car bumps into him and Niko stumbles backwards before regaining composure.

# Niko smashes a car window, hot-wires the car and climbs in while glass clatters to the ground.

# Broker has the real-life feeling of a bustling, lush new cityscape. Sunlight reflects off the car's paintwork, and the shadows are beautifully realized. The back streets of Broker, however, are much different. They are "a grungy mixture of rundown factories, overflowing dumpsters and dank back alleys."

# Driving physics have been "tirelessly tweaked and enhanced"

# On the size of GTA IV: "Dan Houser: Well, area wise, the scope is about the same as San Andreas. I don't know exactly how it compares area to area, but it's bigger then any one city we've had in a game before." Also, "If we give people exactly what they think the want then, a) we're not doing a very interesting job any more and, b) we're not going to amaze them."
(GTA IV的Liberty City面積與SA相約.)

# OPS asked "In terms of weaponry and vehicles you had a pretty good spread in San Andreas," to which Dan Houser replied "Yeah, I don't think we will be adding vast numbers of things there." They explain that its about honing in and tightening. "So, for example, with game in one city there are no longer planes because there's nowhere to fly to. ...you take planes to get here, and you don't take planes to get across the city."
(GTA IV並沒有飛機.)

# A big part of the gameplay will be on the rooftops, apparently. It should be very fun.

# Also, as a side note, they haven't really thought about San Andreas Stories, they are thinking of other things at the moment.
(Rockstar Games暫時並沒有想推出San Andreas Stories的意思.)

# You can view the bus schedule at bus stops around this city, strongly encouraging the idea that players will be able to ride the bus for a small fee.

# When Niko draws a weapon, the camera will position itself over his shoulder and a crosshair will appear in the center of the screen, similar to manual aim in San Andreas. It will be possible to lock onto a target and strafe left and right to avoid any oncoming bullets.

# Grand Theft Auto will not longer be as easy as it's been in GTA IV's predecessors. You can't just jump into a car and immediately floor it. You may have to hot wire the car, or sneak up to it and break the window to enter.

# Niko will be able to climb several things such as telephone poles and fire escapes.

# You can look down into the grating of a sidewalk panel and view what's under Liberty City. Light will shine down into these places.

# Philip Glass, the composer of the trailer music, may be involved in the production of the game's soundtrack.

# According to the magazine, GTA IV is currently 66% complete.
(GTA IV的完成度大約為66%.)

# Niko will be able to climb and descend exterior fire escapes and some meetings will take place high in the office buildings of skyscrapers. It's said that from on top of them you'll be able to throw people off.

# Hand to hand combat is also being reworked on for GTA IV, and will feel "much more natural" than before.
(GTA IV的打架系統改進了.)

# One of the radio stations includes an "Eastern European-sounding" dancing station. No song artists have been confirmed yet.

# For confirmation, boats will be making a return and the handling is "really nice".

# When selecting your mobile phone, a zoomed-in version of the mobile screen pops up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, where you can use its address book to pitch for "jobs" with gang contacts among other things.

# Dan Houser is quoted saying that the Liberty City in GTA IV is bigger than any single city they've done before, giving a more clear indication of the physical size of the game. He continues saying that the "detail" of the game is the big thing.
(GTA IV的Liberty City是全GTA系列中最大的單壹城市.)

# Dan says that they're "certainly evolving the way the radio works". He says the same for police behaviour and their reaction to crimes. Nothing further is said about this...

# "Fun ridiculous" weapons is said to be in the game, because R* is not going too "naturalistic".
(GTA IV仍有壹些得意搞笑的武器.)

** Playstation 3 Unlimited is claiming there are multiple camera angles from inside the car, such as a first person dashboard view.

** Official Xbox Magazine says that you can open trunks of cars by pressing the LB button. Maybe it can be used to store weapons or bodies for missions?

** Official Playstation 2 Magazine UK is claiming that it takes at least one hour to drive from end to end across the map. This information is very sketchy until Rockstar confirms it.
(有雜誌聲稱從Liberty City的壹個盡頭駕駛到令壹盡頭要大娥約壹小時.,但此消息並未經證實.)

Rockstar promised us that other cars would prove far more difficult to penetrate and that the police would be far savvier when it came to spotting stolen vehicles. Broken windows will get you noticed in Liberty City.

GTA IV特別版詳情

GTA IV將推出特別版及已接受預訂!售價為89.99美金(大約為702港元).

Take 2's消息 寫到:
GTAIV: Special Edition

New info from Take 2's latest press release! There will be two versions of GTAIV available come October 16th (US Release), and 19th (Europe Release); the standard, which includes only the game, and the special edition, which includes:

-Grand Theft Auto IV on the Xbox 360?video game and entertainment system or the PLAYSTATION? computer entertainment system, both with special packaging

-The Grand Theft Auto IV Art Book, featuring never-before-seen production artwork from Grand Theft Auto IV

-Selected soundtrack CD from Grand Theft Auto IV, featuring new material from top artists, only available on this release

-An exclusive Rockstar keychain for the safety deposit box keys

-Completing the collection is a limited edition Rockstar duffel bag

The special edition will go for $89.99 USD

Also, if you have already pre-ordered the standard edition from a retailer, you should be able to upgrade to the special edition.

Pre-order site:

新GTA IV Trailer:

新GTA IV Trailer將於6月28日推出,此Trailer名為"Looking For That Special Someone",在Trailer當中會詳情介紹GTA IV.

Rockstar Games 寫到:
Looking For That Special Someone

The Grand Theft Auto Trailer #2 is coming very soon!

The trailer titled "Looking For That Special Someone" is set to be released on June 28! Typically the first trailer gives a taste of the city, and the second will feature gameplay, weapons, AI, and new features.

PC版GTA IV將在2008年3月推出?!

在外國網站Gameware登出了GTA IV PC版的會在2008年3月18日出版,但沒有標出售價.

Yahoo! Games GTA IV專題網站

Yahoo! Games 寫到:
The Grand Theft Auto site coming to Yahoo! on June 2007, features the new GTA4 trailer Looking for That Special Someone, plus all of the GTA trailers, photo galleries, gameplay movies, new characters, fan content, and most up-to-date news information about the Grand Theft Auto franchise.


文章數 : 1399
注冊日期 : 2009-08-23
來自 : 利曼 / 勒芒


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GTA IV資訊 Empty 又有<<GTA IV>>電腦版本推出消息!

發表 由 lemans 周四 8月 27, 2009 11:18 pm

有壹位網友化名"Scotty C"故意捉弄Take 2,訛稱自己從網上下載回來的GTA IV電腦版本出現音效問題,需要尋求協助,其實他是藉此希望能夠套取GTA IV電腦版本的上市日期,以下是其內容:

Best Wish

2K Games技術支持



另外,我是不是把求助電郵發錯了地址?我明明是寫給Rockstar的,怎麼得到了2K Games的回復?


Scotty C


Rockstar和2K Games均屬Take Two,您沒走錯地方。


GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas


Best Wish

2K Games(及Rockstar)技術支持

這個“2K Games(及Rockstar)”把他笑噴了,於是他繼續寫道:

難道我們在談不同的遊戲?我說的是以Nico Bellic為主角的GTA,該遊戲最近才上市,難道TV版本也能在PC機上玩?還是某人改造了壹下讓它能這麼玩?










雖然最後都失敗了,及這些內容僅出自兩個客服人員之口,尚不能代表官方立場,但亦起碼知道GTA IV的電腦版本確實在製造中.

GTA IV資訊 S08190934
GameSpot的Khoo1992在其blog中稱,他路過書攤時在最新壹期的《PC Gamer》(馬來西亞版),當中封面是Niko Belic之餘,更以(GTA IV:主機版已經有了,電腦版指日可待) (GTA IV:NOW ON CONSOLE, SOON ON PC為標題,不禁令人更加相信GTA IV將會推出電腦版本~~~~

文章數 : 1399
注冊日期 : 2009-08-23
來自 : 利曼 / 勒芒


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GTA IV資訊 Empty Rockstar宣布電腦版《GTA4》11月面世

發表 由 lemans 周四 8月 27, 2009 11:21 pm


Grand Theft Auto IV will be arriving on the PC this November, bringing all of the rich, immersive narrative experience found in the console versions, along with newly expanded multiplayer just for the PC.Grand Theft Auto IV for the PC debuts on November 18th in North America and on Novermber 21st in Europe. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more details.


驅動之家 寫到:相關的傳聞已在坊間流傳月餘,Rockstar終於在8月6 日出面確認電腦版《GTA4》將於今年11月18號在北美上市(歐洲地區為11月21號)。

“我們很高興能發行電腦版GTA4”,Rockstar創始人Sam Houser稱,“團隊全體成員致力於為電腦玩家帶來美妙遊戲體驗,該遊戲在電腦平台的表現美不勝收,我們期盼大家能早日玩到它。”

據說該遊戲由Rockstar North負責移植,增添了新的多人模式(該遊戲已被納入Games for Windows計劃,有人據此推測該遊戲將支持跨平台對戰,為Xbox 360平台準備的DLC可能也將惠澤電腦平台,但上述推論尚無實質性證據),系統需求和售價暫時不詳。

現在Rockstar Games正式宣佈推出電腦版GTA4,的確令人放下了心頭大石,之前的確有害怕過Rockstar會因"Hot Coffee"事件而不推出電腦版GTA4,不過今集會否有Mod玩確實是未知之數......

文章數 : 1399
注冊日期 : 2009-08-23
來自 : 利曼 / 勒芒


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GTA IV資訊 Empty 回復: GTA IV資訊

發表 由 lemans 周四 8月 27, 2009 11:21 pm


驅動之家 寫到:目前已知PC版將配備壹款新的遊戲錄像編輯器,玩家可保存最近這30秒的遊戲內容,然後運用濾鏡、剪切,運鏡等手段將其編輯成自己喜歡的風格,再利用“蒙太奇編輯器”與多個30秒片斷剪接成短片以便向“Rockstar社交俱樂部(Rockstar Social Club)”的其他會員顯擺。


公司稱遊戲圖像引擎也得到了改進,將“在360及PS3版的基礎上好好潤色壹番”,為玩家提供更真實的光照及更高水平的人物/環境建模,據 Eurogamer的報道,畫面分辨率最高可至2560x1600(尚待確認),在支持傳統鍵鼠的同時也完美支持接入PC的Xbox 360手柄。

本來尚有壹些GTA IV電腦版本的遊戲圖片,但和Xbox 360的相差不大,所以恕不在此刊登.不過怎說,自己的亦確非常期待GTA IV的電腦版本推出~~~~

文章數 : 1399
注冊日期 : 2009-08-23
來自 : 利曼 / 勒芒


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